As a part of the “Greek underground, darkwave, independent music scene” (according to N.Drivas books-The history of the Greek underground scene, Ars Nocturna puplishing), E.R. has gone through many bands as a guitar player. Performing, recording, composing, gigging . His list including bands such as :
- FINGERTIPS (a school band well known in my hometown).
- SUNNY BALTZI + SANTA FILA (2 releases-many gigs,opening act for artist like Archive,Madrugada,White Stripes,sharing the stage with many artists like Arleta,Lakis Papadopoulos,V.Papakonstantinou,D.Panagopoulos,V.Lekkas ,Mecano’s Dirk Polak, performing on t.v. shows)
- PAST PERFECT (well known for their shows,1 release, performing around Greece, performing in many festivals, opening act for The Mission UK, Garden of Delight and sharing the stage with many goth darkwave bands)
-DARK REHEARSAL EXPERIMENT (a multi musicians project, with 2 past perfect members + friends, improvising live on stage some ambiend/goth/darkwave tunes….. many performances)
- HEROUVIM(Χερουβείμ-Greek lyrics new wave band, performing everywhere in the Greek territory, 4 releases)
- P.PILATOS(2Π+αστικό σύνδρομο-another Greek lyrics band, many gigs).
-NEW ZERO GOD (band with members from Flowers of romance, Nexus, Past Perfect, 1 release, opening shows for Christian Death, Legendary Pink Dots,performing in many fests)
-GLIMMER VOID (acoustic,neo folk,dark wave project,opening the Death in June’s show)
- METRO DECAY (playing the guitar for this legendary 80s band at the reunion concert for the doc/movie “There is no Assylum here”)
-PLANET 314 (electro-synth project, some shows, performing at the “there is no asylum here” concert at Thessaliniki)
-DRAMA QUEEN (some qiqs, performing at SACROSANCT fest.2015 @ Reading, UK sharing the stage with Last Cry, Horror Vacui, NU!N, Vandemian and other underground goth/post punk bands)
- SCORIA (playing the guitars for this legendary new wave/post punk/garage band.Many gigs, we are heading for a new relesase….)
-HAUNTED MIRRORS (Just joined that new wave/post rock band)
-ART TELEPATHS (some gigs, 1 release)
Releases :
SUNNY BALTZI + SANTA FILA - S.B. and Santa Fila (EMI/akti , 1995)
Jetlag (EMI/Alltogether now 2006)
PAST PERFECT – Whispers of souls in silence (Cyberdelia records 2003)
HEROUVIM(Χερουβείμ) – Κυτταρική εξισωση (WIPE OUT – 2003)
Project22(WIPE OUT 2005),
Μηχανές Ευτυχίας (ind.2010)
Περπατώντας το μεσημέρι (ind. 2018)
NEW ZERO GOD – Fun is a four letter word (Puzzle music, 2010)
NICK FRONTMAN – Today is the tomorrow of yesterday (Mystery rec.2018)
ART TELEPATHS-Art Telepaths (B-Otherside records 2020)
Guitar-addicted, plays various guitars, through various amps, in love with Boss’s slow gear effect, G.BATAS telecasters, ST. ASPRIOTIS custom guitars, SIDE EFFECTS guitar pedals, RAT pedals, BULK strings.
Having been the guitarist for various bands, E.R. ,nowadays, plays the guitar for SCORIA, HAUNTED MIRRORS and ART TELEPATHS (March. 2020).